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CA7MVS Customization Variables

The CA7MVS REXX program must be customized before using it. The initial section of the program contains several assignment statements for variables whose values are installation dependent.


Changes the command separator from the default vertical bar (|) to a character or string of your own choice.

Note: Choosing a single character can be problematic. You must use a character that will not be interpreted as part of a CA 7 command.


Specifies the name of the virtual terminal to be used by CA7MVS. This name must be defined to VTAM, but need not be defined to the EPI.


If the virtual terminal was defined to VTAM with a password (PRTCT keyword on the APPL statement), then you must specify that same password here.


Specifies the name of the CA 7 VTAM application ID.


Specifies the log mode name to be used for the virtual terminal.


If you will be using a secondary copy of CA OPS/MVS with CA7MVS (a copy other than subsystem OPSS), then you must specify its four-character subsystem name here.


Specifies the CA 7 user ID (if required by CA 7).


Specifies the CA 7 user ID password (if required by CA 7).

The CA 7 password and user ID are only required if CA 7 security was implemented.