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Build the Rest of the Driver Section Using Recording Commands

To create the rest of the drive section of the sample EXEC, you would issue the following recording commands in novice mode as follows:

To build the rest of the driver section using recording commands

  1. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Enable your REXX EXEC to locate the READY prompt and verify that a TSO session is displayed. Issuing this V command builds the following subroutine into your REXX EXEC:

  2. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text ISPF to the session and enters to the right of the READY prompt. If the automatic ENTER option is set to YES, an ENTER keystroke will also be sent.

    To produce these results:

    Invokes the ISPF Primary Option Menu. Issuing the L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

     "INPUT(ISPF                   "||,
     "                             "||,
     "                              )",
  3. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Enable your REXX EXEC to determine whether the main ISPF menu is displayed. Issuing this V command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  4. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text PROD to the session and enters it to the right of the command line arrow. If the automatic ENTER option is set to YES, an ENTER keystroke will also be sent.

    To produce these results:

    Display the CA Production Applications menu and place the cursor on the command line of the menu. Issuing this L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

     "INPUT(PROD                     )",
  5. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Enable your REXX EXEC to determine whether the correct panel is displayed. Issuing this V command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  6. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text LS to the session and enters it to the right of the Option field. If the automatic ENTER option is set to YES, an ENTER keystroke will also be sent.

    To produce these results:

    Display the logon panel for the CA Support System and place the cursor on the command line. Issuing this L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

    "INPUT(LS                         )",
  7. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Enable your REXX EXEC to confirm that the logon panel is displayed. Issuing this V command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  8. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text 2 to the session and enters it to the right of the ===> field. If the automatic ENTER option is set to YES, an ENTER keystroke will also be sent.

    To produce these results:

    Display the Info/Management Inquiry panel and place the cursor on the command line. Issuing this L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

    "INPUT(2                      "||,
    "                              )",
  9. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text 2 to the session and enters it to the right of the ===> field. If the automatic ENTER option is set to YES, an ENTER keystroke will also be sent.

    To produce these results:

    Enable your REXX EXEC to confirm that the inquiry panel is displayed. Issuing this V command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  10. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text 1 to the session and enters it to the right of the ===> field. If the automatic ENTER option is set to YES, an ENTER keystroke will also be sent.

    To produce these results:

    Display the Incident Search panel and place the cursor on the command line. Issuing this L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

     "INPUT(1                   "||,
     "                           )",
  11. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Enable your REXX EXEC to confirm that the search panel is displayed. Issuing this V command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  12. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text 90 to the session and enters it to the right of the ===> field. The NOENTER clause on the L command lets you override the automatic ENTER option setting of YES, allowing you to set the REXX variable described below before displaying the Table Display Options panel.

    To produce these results:

    Send Info/Management code 90 to the session with no ENTER keystroke. Issuing this L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

     "INPUT(90                   "||,
     "                           )",
  13. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Fetch the incident number in the Incident # field and place its value in a REXX variable, INC_#. Issuing this N command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  14. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Enable your REXX EXEC to confirm that the Table Display Options panel is displayed. Issuing this V command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  15. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text 2 to the session and enters it to the right of the ===> field.

    To produce these results:

    Selects display option 2, which displays an Info/Management panel containing information about specific support incidents. Issuing this L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

     "INPUT(2                   "||,
     "                           )",
  16. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Find the value in the Record # field and assign its value to a REXX variable called REC_#. Issuing this S command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

     REC_# = ATM_SET_VAR(,
     "SET_VAR_RP(RECORD #)",

    The EPI also inserts the following subroutine, which compares the value of the REC_# variable to the value entered earlier for the INC_# variable and issues an error message if the values do not match:

     IF REC_# <> INC_# THEN DO
  17. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Find the value in the Incident Status field and assign its value to a REXX variable called STATUS. Issuing this S command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  18. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    The EPI displays the last group of lines in your EXEC in edit mode. You then insert the following text at the end of the EXEC:

  19. Type this text:

    To produce these results:

    Issue a PF3 keystroke to return you to the Table Display Options panel. Issuing this K command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  20. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text BACK to the session and enters it to the right of the ===> field.

    To produce these results:

    Ensure that you are back at the Table Display Options panel, and then issue the BACK command to return to the Incident Search panel. Issuing this L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

    "INPUT(BACK                   "||,
    "                           )",
  21. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text 60 to the session and enters it to the right of the ===> field.

    To produce these results:

    Ensure that you are back at the Incident Search panel, and then issue the BACK command to return to the inquiry panel. Issuing this L command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

    "INPUT(60                   "||,
    "                           )",
  22. Type this text:

    Using a SESSCMD command processor, the EPI sends the text Q to the session and enters it to the right of the ===> field.

    To produce these results:

    Enter a Q command to exit from the CA Support System. Issuing the L command of the EPI Recorder inserts the following subroutine into your EXEC:

     "INPUT(Q                   "||,
     "                           )",
  23. Type this text:

    On the command line of the EPI Recorder panel, type this command:

    K @3

    To produce these results:

    Issue a PF3 keystroke to return to the CA Production Applications menu. Issuing this K command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC:

  24. Type this text:

    On the command line of the EPI Recorder panel, type this command:

    K @3

    To produce these results:

    Issue a PF3 keystroke to return to the ISPF main menu. Issuing this K command builds the following subroutine into your EXEC: