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Activate (Load) a Schedule

System State Manager always draws its scheduling information from the schedule named ACTIVE.

The ACTIVE schedule sets the desired states of resources according to the links set for each period.

The two ways to load a schedule are:

To load a schedule from the Primary Panel

  1. Type the name of the schedule to activate in the NAME field.
  2. Type L on the command line and press Enter.
  3. Press Enter again to load the schedule.

To load a schedule from the Schedule List Panel

  1. Type an L in the SEL column next to the name of the schedule you want to activate.
  2. Press Enter, and then Enter again to confirm that you want to load the selected schedule.

Result-The schedule you selected is copied into the ACTIVE schedule, allowing System State Manager to use its data to determine when and how the desired states of resources are to be set.