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Activate the MSF VTAM APPLID

If you are using the LU 6.2 protocol, the MSF VTAM APPLID should be active at the time the MSF attempts to establish sessions with any other (all) CA OPS/MVS systems in your network. APPLID activation will usually be done at VTAM initialization time. If you defer activation until after VTAM initialization is complete, you can use the following VTAM operator command when you want to activate the MSF APPLID:


The msfname value is the name of the member in SYS1.VTAMLST where the APPL statement of the MSF is stored.

Note: The member often has the same name as that of the APPL definition it contains, but VTAM does not require this.

The MSF APPLID must be active on each system on which CA OPS/MVS is running.

To activate the MSF VTAM APPLID

Assuming that you have three systems, System A, System B, and System C, and the SYS1.VTAMLST on each system contains a member defining the MSF APPLID for that system (assume the names are OPSMVSA, OPSMVSB and OPSMVSC respectively), you can activate the MSF application names with the following operator commands:

VARY NET,ACT,ID=OPSMVSA    issued on system A
VARY NET,ACT,ID=OPSMVSB    issued on system B
VARY NET,ACT,ID=OPSMVSC    issued on system C

You can use the AOF to issue these commands at the end of VTAM initialization, or use OPSVIEW (logged on to each system in turn) to issue them.