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Direct a Variable to an Input Field

The N (enter variable data) command allows a SESSCMD command processor to send any of the following data to a session:

To specify which input fields will receive this data

  1. On the EPI Recorder panel, type an N on the command line. The novice mode display for the N command will appear.
  2. Type the relative screen location character over the first and the last character in the screen data (for example, the input field name) that the SESSCMD command processor should look for before sending the REXX variable, literal data, or both.
  3. Type the absolute screen location character into the input field or fields on the session screen that will receive input from the SESSCMD. Press Enter.

For example, suppose that you have a REXX variable called HELP_CMD set to the value HELP. To have your SESSCMD place this variable on the command line of the CA NetSpy Statistics Screen, you would type over the command line characters as shown in the following example:

Original screen text...

As it looks after overtyping, with # representing the word HELP...


@--@ #