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Find a Text String on a Screen

You can mark a text string that you want your automation EXEC to find on a session screen.

To find a text string on a screen

  1. Type the absolute screen location character over the first and the last character in the string.

    This marks the text string that your automation EXEC should find on a session screen.

  2. Issue the F (Find a string) command from the command line.

If the text to be found is a changeable value (like the host response time values in the CA NetSpy Statistics Screen), your automation EXEC will have to find that value in relation to fixed screen text, such as a field name.

Example: Find a text string on a screen

Suppose that you want to find the value of the HOST=systemid field shown in the CA NetSpy Statistics Screen. Because this system ID will vary, you need to use relative positioning to indicate where the value is on the screen. On this screen, the HOST part of the field is always constant no matter which system ID appears. Therefore, you can direct your REXX EXEC to find the location of the system ID value as it relates to the text string HOST. To do so, you would type over the HOST=systemid field as shown in the following example:

Original screen text...

As it looks after overtyping...



This causes your automation EXEC to find the system ID, S032, indicated by the # characters.