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Change Recording Options Permanently

You can alter the recording options for the current recording session and have the options take effect permanently.

To permanently alter the default recording options

  1. Choose the R (Record) option from the EPI Virtual Terminals List panel.

    As a result, the EPI Record and Playback Primary Menu appears:

    -------------------- EPI Record and Playback Primary Menu ------------------ OPTION ===> DATE - 04/03/11 TIME - 08:13 MODE - PROD 0 OPTIONS - Permanent Change to the EPI recorder options R RECORD - Record EPI session REXX's B playBack - Execute previously recorded EPI session EXEC Enter END command to terminate EPI Recording.

  2. Type O in the Option field and press Enter.

    The following Permanent Change to the EPI Recorder Options panel appears. This panel shows you the current option settings for the recording environment:

    ----------------- Permanent Change to the EPI Recorder Options ------------- COMMAND ===> Control characters: Relative screen location character (RL)..( @ ) Absolute screen location character (AL)..( # ) Command Stacking character (CS)..( ! ) Cursor position character (CP)..( * ) SESSCMD options: AUTOMATIC ENTER OPTION( NO ) CMDWAIT ( 60 ) MAXCMDOUT ( 200 ) PREFIX( LINE ) TRUNCATE ( NO ) Enter END command to enter option and exit, CANcel to abort

  3. Change any default control character by typing the character you want to use over the default.

    Do not use the following as control characters:

  4. Change any default SESSCMD options by typing the value you want to use over the default value. The value you substitute cannot be either alphanumeric or a blank.
  5. After you have finished altering the recording options:

Your recording options are permanently changed.