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Schedule Manager Overrides

You can schedule temporary overrides to all Schedule Manager schedules by creating a schedule named @OVERRIDE@, which is a reserved name. The @OVERRIDE@ schedule is automatically merged into all other schedules when they are edited, and it is automatically merged into the ACTIVE schedule during RESET processing to set the desired states of resources.

The period names in the @OVERRIDE@ schedule are also reserved and are prefixed with the characters @OVER. You can only make changes to the @OVERRIDE@ schedule when editing it directly. If you try to modify @OVERRIDE@ period or link entries when editing another schedule, then your changes are rejected.

The following Links Control panel shows an example of an @OVERRIDE@ schedule to turn off all resources except JES2 for one hour every night at midnight. In this example, an L line command has been executed against the @OVER_MNIT period to display its links:

Schedule Manager ---------------- Links Control ----------------- System:OPS44R
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
CMDS: A D I L LC LD LX + ++ - --              |                               
---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
___ -@OVERRIDE@                               |     -ACF2_STCTBL              
L__  |-@OVER_MNIT  SMTWTFS          0000-0100 |      |-STASK                  
___  |-DEFAULT                                | OFF  | |-ACF2                 
                                              |     -CICS_STCTBL              
                                              |      |-STASK                  
                                              | OFF  | |-CICS                 
                                              | OFF  | |-CICSTEST             
                                              |     -DB2_STCTBL               
                                              |      |-STASK                  
                                              |      | |-DB2                  
                                              |     -IMS_STCTBL               
                                              |      |-STASK                  
                                              | OFF  | |-IMS                  
                                              |     -JES2_STCTBL              
                                              |      |-STASK                  
                                              |      | |-JES2                 
                                              |     -TSO_STCTBL               
                                              |      |-STASK                  
                                              | OFF  | |-TCAS                 
                                              | OFF  | |-TCASTEST             

The following Links Control panel demonstrates the @OVERRIDE@ schedule being merged into the PRODUCTION schedule:

Schedule Manager ---------------- Links Control ----------------- System:OPS44R
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
CMDS: A D I L LC LD LX + ++ - --              |                               
---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
___ -PRODUCTION                               |     -ACF2_STCTBL              
___  |-@OVER_MNIT  SMTWTFS          0000-0100 |      |-STASK                  
___  |-WENDLITE    S.....S          0800-2000 |      | |-ACF2                 
___  |-WENDDARK    S.....S          2000-3200 |     -CICS_STCTBL              
___  |-EVERYNOON   SMTWTFS          1200-1300 |      |-STASK                  
___  |-WEEKDAY     .MTWTF.          0800-1600 |      | |-CICS                 
___  |-WEEKEVENING .MTWTF.          1600-2400 |      | |-CICSTEST             
___  |-WEEKNIGHT   .MTWTF.          2400-3200 |     -DB2_STCTBL               
___  |-THNXLITE03  11/27/2007-11/28 0800-2000 |      |-STASK                  
___  |-THNXDARK03  11/27/2007-11/28 2000-3200 |      | |-DB2                  
___  |-XMASLITE03  12/24/2007-12/25 0800-2000 |     -IMS_STCTBL               
___  |-XMASDARK03  12/24/2007-12/25 2000-3200 |      |-STASK                  
___  |-XMASALL03   12/25/2007       0000-2400 |      | |-IMS                  
___  |-XMASEVERY   12/25            0000-2400 |     -JES2_STCTBL              
___  |-DEFAULT                                |      |-STASK                  
                                              |      | |-JES2                 
                                              |     -TSO_STCTBL               
                                              |      |-STASK                  
                                              |      | |-TCAS                 
                                              |      | |-TCASTEST   

The following State panel demonstrates the @OVERRIDE@ schedule being merged into the PRODUCTION schedule:

Schedule Manager ----- State at 0030 on 03/31/2007 (MON) -------- System:OPS44R
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
                                              | CMDS: F N R + ++ - --         
---------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
                                              - ___ -ACF2_STCTBL              
                                              - ___  |-STASK                  
    @OVER_MNIT     SMTWTFS          0000-0100 - OFF  | |-ACF2                 
                                              - ___ -CICS_STCTBL              
                                              - ___  |-STASK                  
    @OVER_MNIT     SMTWTFS          0000-0100 - OFF  | |-CICS                 
    @OVER_MNIT     SMTWTFS          0000-0100 - OFF  | |-CICSTEST             
                                              - ___ -DB2_STCTBL               
                                              - ___  |-STASK                  
                                              - ___  | |-DB2                  
                                              - ___ -IMS_STCTBL               
                                              - ___  |-STASK                  
    @OVER_MNIT     SMTWTFS          0000-0100 - OFF  | |-IMS                  
                                              - ___ -JES2_STCTBL              
                                              - ___  |-STASK                  
    WEEKNIGHT      .MTWTF.          2400-3200 - ON_  | |-JES2                 
                                              - ___ -TSO_STCTBL               
                                              - ___  |-STASK                  
    @OVER_MNIT     SMTWTFS          0000-0100 - OFF  | |-TCAS                 
    @OVER_MNIT     SMTWTFS          0000-0100 - OFF  | |-TCASTEST 

The user deactivates the @OVERRIDE@ schedule by deleting it or renaming it.

Suppose, for example, that the sample @OVERRIDE@ schedule above was copied to a schedule named @OVERMNIGHT. Schedule @OVERMNIGHT could then be activated as the override schedule at any time by copying it or renaming it to schedule @OVERRIDE@.