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View the Status of Group Members

The Group Members panel, shown here, displays the status of resources in the currently selected group:

Group Manager: ------------ Members of group GROUP1 -------- System: S008 COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE CMDS: Q R S (Type MONitor on the command line for continuous monitoring updates) Table-Name Resource-Name Status ___ STC_TABLE RESOURCE4 RESOURCE4 IN STC_TABLE IS DOWN ___ T2 RESOURCE2 RESOURCE2 IS IN STATE5 ___ T2 RESOURCE3 RESOURCE3 IS IN STATE3 ___ T2 RESOURCE1 RESOURCE1 IS IN STATE2 ___ T1 RESOURCE1 OK ___ T1 RESOURCE3 RESOURCE3 IS IN STATE6 ___ T3 RESOURCE1 RESOURCE1 IS IN STATE4

The Group Members panel has three line commands:


Toggles the resource in and out of Group Manager quiesced mode. While a resource is in quiesced mode, its status cannot be used as the status of a group. So, if a quiesced resource is the only resource in a group operating abnormally, then the status of the group is OK. To remind you that a resource is quiesced, the letter Q appears immediately after the CMDS column of the Group Display and Group Members panels. Quiesce mode is useful when a resource is in an abnormal status but the operator can do nothing about it, for instance when a piece of hardware has a problem that will make it inoperative until someone replaces a part.


Included for compatibility with the Group Display panel, the R command on the Group Members panel has the same function as the S command.


Causes the Group Manager to display the Resource Details Display panel for only the selected resource.

Note: When the Group Members panel is in automatic monitoring mode, you must press the PA1 key before entering these line commands.