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Choose Resource Groups to Monitor

Use the following Group Selection/Ordering panel to specify:

Group Manager ---------- Group Selection/Ordering List ----- Row 1 to 10 of 10 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE Mark groups you do NOT wish to monitor with an "X" or place a number next to a group to position it on the group display. Press END to continue. SEL SYSTEM GROUP STATUS ___ OPS03K CICS1 ACTIVE ___ OPS03K CICS2 ACTIVE ___ OPS04K NETSPY ACTIVE ___ OPS04K ASTEX ACTIVE ___ OPS04K SYSVIEW ACTIVE ___ OPS44K BUNDL LOCAL ___ OPS44K NVISION LOCAL ___ OPS44K ASTEX DELETED ___ OPS44K SYSVIEW DELETED ___ OPS44K CICS3 LOCAL

To choose resource groups to monitor

  1. Exclude a group from System State Manager monitoring by typing an X beside it in the Sel column.
  2. Specify where the status information of a group appears in the displayed group list by entering a number instead of an X.

    The position of this information is relative. For instance, if you assign the numbers 1, 9, and 25 to three groups, the group marked with number 1 appears on the first line the group indicated with 9 appears on the second line, and the group indicated with 25 appears on the third line.

    As you add groups, the Group Manager automatically adds them to the Group Ordering/Selection List panel, listing them ahead of the groups for which you specified positions. Groups excluded from monitoring appear at the bottom of the list.

    Note: DELETED status means that although you have assigned a position to this group, the administrator of the system where this group resides has deleted that group. STOPPED status indicates that you have assigned a position to this group but the MSF link to the system of that group is currently down.

  3. When you have finished specifying which groups should be monitored and the screen positions of those groups, press the End key.

    The Group Display panel displays.