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Set the Priority of a Status

Assigning a priority to a status allows the Group Manager panels to call the attention of the system operator to statuses reflecting resource availability problems. For example, the status name CUR_NE_DES defaults to the highest priority, 1, because it indicates that the current state of a group does not match the desired state.

Note: Differences between these states usually point to a resource problem that the system operator needs to know about.

Conversely, the status CUR_EQ_DES indicates that the current and desired states match, which usually means that the resources in a group are operating without problems. Therefore, the CUR_EQ_DES status has the lowest possible priority.

The Group Manager requires you to specify a priority for each status you define. If two resources in the same group have statuses with the same priority, the resource that had that priority first determines the group status.

The Group Manager takes the status of a group from the resource that has the highest-priority status. For example, suppose that in a group of 10 DASDs, one has the status CUR_NE_DES but the other nine DASDs have low-priority statuses. The Group Manager assigns the high-priority CUR_NE_DES status to the entire group. This allows the operator viewing Group Manager panels to detect a problem with this group of DASDs, then use the Group Members panel of the Group Manager to identify which DASD has the problem.