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Define a Workload Manager Scheduling Environment as a Prerequisite Resource

SSM can define the status of a Workload Manager (WLM) scheduling environment as a prerequisite resource. A special naming convention must be used to specify the status of a WLM environment as a resource. The format is:


Specifies a valid z/OS system name that is known to WLM


Specifies the WLM scheduling environment name. Name can be up to 16 characters in length.


Provides a placeholder that must be used in the SSID position for WLM resources if System is specified.

To access the status of only the local WLM, specify the following:



The ability of SSM to read the status of a WLM scheduling environment eliminates the need for it to compute the status itself. This increases the efficiency of SSM and avoids the possibility that SSM will compute a WLM status differently than WLM itself because of sample timing differences.