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MINOF Statement—Define Prerequisite Resources

In the previous example, all of the resources in the prerequisite list had to be in their table-relative UP state before SSM could dispatch an action to cause the desired state of a resource to get to its table-relative UP state or DOWN state. With the MINOF (minimum of) statement, you define how many prerequisite resources must be in their table-relative UP state before a resource can be brought to its desired state.

For example, suppose you have the following MINOF statement:


Defines the minimum number of prerequisite resources that must be in their table-relative UP state


Defines the prerequisite resources.

In the above statement, VTAM, VTAMTEST, or both can be in their table-relative UP state for SSM to take the action needed to place the resource in its table-relative UP state.

Following is additional information about the MINOF statement: