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Directory Table

The directory table stores the names of all resource tables and the name of the action table that is associated with each resource table. Action table names are stored in the same row as resource table names. SSM consults the directory table to find out which resource tables to process. The default name of the directory table is SSM_MANAGED_TBLS, but you can change its name in the STATETBL parameter.

Note: For information on the STATETBL parameter, see the Parameter Reference.

The directory table and all of the resource tables it names are SSM-managed tables. When any ADDRESS SQL function inserts or deletes a row from a managed table, the SSM engine wakes up immediately and then reevaluates its missing prerequisites, subrequisites, and resource states. In addition, the SSM engine designates some columns as monitored columns. When an SQL UPDATE state affects a monitored column, the SSM engine wakes up and then scans the same data.

The following example shows a directory table as viewed in the CA OPS/MVS table editor. When column definitions extend past the right margin of your terminal screen, issue RIGHT commands or you press the PF11 key to display more of the data.

SSM_MANAGED_TBLS ----------------------- TABLE DATA EDITOR ------------------- COLUMNS 000
Command ===>                                                  Scroll =
SWZ_STCTBL      ACTIVE      UP        DOWN        UNKNOWN        STCTBL_ACT     YES
********************************** BOTTOM OF DATA ******************** *******************

The following list describes the columns in the directory table:


Identifies the name of a resource table that you want SSM to manage.


Indicates the operating mode of the resource table. This mode determines whether SSM checks the state of the prerequisites for each resource, and SSM tries to manage the resource.



Indicates the table-relative UP state (such as ACTIVE or UP) for a resource.


Indicates the table-relative DOWN state (such as INACTIVE or DOWN) for a resource.


Indicates the table-relative state for the resource when SSM is to determine the state. This column is set to UNKNOWN, but you can change it.


Identifies the action table that is associated with the table specified in the MANAGED_TABLE column.


(Optional) Displays a YES or NO value to indicate whether a resource table is eligible for display by the CA Network and Systems Management System Status Manager CA OPS/MVS Option product.

The resource directory table cannot contain more than 256 managed tables. If you exceed the 256 limit, the error message OPS7911E is generated and the SSM mode changes to INACTIVE.