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Action Tables

Columns in action tables determine the action SSM takes to change a resource from its current state to its desired state.

When the current and desired states of a resource do not match (for instance, if the desired state is UP and the current state is DOWN), SSM searches the action table associated with the resource table defining that resource, finds the action required to perform the state change, and executes that action.

The following example shows a subsystem action table as viewed in the CA OPS/MVS table editor. When column definitions extend past the right margin of your terminal screen, issue RIGHT commands, or you press the PF11 key to display more of the column data.

STCTBL_ACT ------------------------------------------ TABLE DATA EDITOR --------------------------------- COLUMNS 00001 00124 Command ===> Scroll ===> PAGE COL--> ACTION_PROCESS ACTION_CURRENT ACTION_DESIRED ACTION_MODE ACTION_RES_TABLE ACTION_RES_TYPE ACTION_TEXT ****** ************************************************** TOP OF DATA ************************************************************** 000001 ACTION DOWN UP MVSCMD("START &JOBNAME") 000002 ACTION DOWN UP MONITOR MVSCMD("D A,&JOBNAME") 000003 ACTION UNKNOWN RULE("SSMSTATE 000004 ACTION UP DOWN MVSCMD("STOP &JOBNAME") 000005 ACTION UP DOWN MONITOR MVSCMD("D A,&JOBNAME") 000006 ACTION DOWN DOWN CYCLE SETCOL("ACTMODE,ACTIVE") 000007 ACTION UP UP CYCLE SETCOL("DESIRED_STATE,&DOWN_STATE") 000008 SELECT STCTBL PROCESS("MATCH,XPREREQ") 000009 SELECT UNKNOWN ACTIVE STCTBL PROCESS("MAT,XPRE,XSUB") 000010 XPREREQ RULE("SSMXPRE &NAME") 000011 XSUBREQ RULE("SSMXPRE &NAME") ****** ************************************************* BOTTOM OF DATA ************************************************************

The descriptions of the columns in the STCTBL action table are as follows:


Displays the primary selection criterion SSM uses when selecting an action to dispatch. To be eligible for selection, ACTION_PROCESS must match the process event for the action. The event name for selecting an action to be dispatched in response to a resource state mismatch is ACTION. Other possible values are MPREREQ, MSUBREQ, and the other process event types that are listed in Process Events.


Displays a particular CURRENT state in which the subsystem resides.


Displays a particular DESIRED state that the subsystem can be in.


Displays an extra action selection key that corresponds to the ACTMODE column of the resource table. An empty string value in this column (the default value) causes this column to be ignored in action selection.


Displays the name of the resource table that defines the subsystem to SSM. This column enables one action table to supply actions for the resources in more than one resource table.


Displays either the name or the type of the subsystem as defined in the NAME or TYPE columns in the resource table. This column enables SSM to act upon a specific resource.


Indicates the action to take for a state change. This text is either the text of a TSO command or the name of an automation procedure that can restore the resource to its desired state.

More information:

Resource and Action Tables