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Detect State Changes for Resources

A row in a resource table represents each resource that SSM controls. This row contains information about the resource, such as its current and desired states, the resource name, and the names of its prerequisite resources. The CURRENT_STATE and DESIRED_STATE columns maintain information about the current and desired states of a resource. Usually, an AOF message rule updates the CURRENT_STATE column. However, in some cases, such as during startup, other programs can update the column. Usually, either a CMD rule or the Schedule Manager updates the DESIRED_STATE column. Both the DESIRED_STATE and CURRENT_STATE columns are monitored columns. If you modify either column, the RDF posts the SSM engine to run.

When the SSM engine posts to run, it compares the desired state of all resources to their current state and checks if any missing prerequisites have been satisfied. If the current or desired state of a resource changes, and the current state does not equal the desired state, then the SSM engine dispatches an action. The action is taken from the action text column of an action table.

In addition to scanning the resource tables when a change occurs, the SSM engine also scans all resource states every nnnn seconds, based on the value that you set in the STATEMAXWAIT parameter.

Note: For more information about this parameter, see the Parameter Reference.