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Execute OPS/REXX Source Programs from ISPF EDIT

If you are editing an OPS/REXX program using ISPF EDIT, you can execute it directly under ISPF EDIT using one of the following forms of the OX ISPFEDIT macro call. You can omit the exclamation point that precedes the OX or OI command if the following statement appears in your initial ISPF EDIT macro:

!OX "argument"
!OI "argument"

Entering any of these commands on the command line while in ISPFEDIT causes the current ISPFEDIT data set to execute. The program is not saved to disk; instead, the OPS/REXX interpreter uses the program copy being kept by ISPFEDIT in virtual storage. This feature is especially handy when you are debugging OPS/REXX programs.

For details about ISPF EDIT macros, see ISPF/PDF Edit and Edit Macros.