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Issue the OPSIMEX (OI) Command

You can execute any source program located in ddname SYSEXEC directly from TSO READY mode (or ISPF PDF Menu 6) using the OPSIMEX (alias OI) command. This command executes programs implicitly. You must preallocate the SYSEXEC file name to one or more partitioned data sets before issuing the command.

The OPSIMEX or OI command has the following syntax:

OPSIMEX|OI PROGRAM('dsname[member]')

You can also use these abbreviated formats for OPSIMEX:

OPSIMEX member argument
OI member argument

The OPSIMEX command uses exactly the same keywords and arguments as the OPSEXEC command; the only difference is that OPSIMEX invokes a program implicitly. When you invoke OPS/REXX implicitly, the argument string is passed exactly as it is passed when you invoke OPS/REXX explicitly.

Note: When using the form of the OPSIMEX or OI command that uses PROGRAM or other keywords, enclose the argument string in single quotation marks.

The record formats supported for the SYSEXEC libraries are the same as those supported for REXX data sets used to invoke OPS/REXX explicitly.