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Execute a Program That Calls External Routines

Compiling an OPS/REXX program also compiles all subroutines associated with it.

The way CA OPS/MVS scans for external routines depend upon whether you are editing a sequential data set or the member of a partitioned data set.

When you explicitly execute an OPS/REXX program that is not precompiled and that resides in a partitioned data set, CA OPS/MVS scans that data set to try to locate any external routines. If external routines are not found in the data set containing this program, CA OPS/MVS then searches in the libraries concatenated under the SYSEXEC ddname.

When you explicitly execute a program residing in a sequential data set,
CA OPS/MVS scans only the SYSEXEC ddname for external routines.

To explicitly execute a program, use either the !OI or !OX edit macro.