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Differences Between Precompiled and Source REXX Programs

The CA OPS/MVS product has always supported running OPS/REXX programs in source code format. Now, the product also supports storing and running precompiled OPS/REXX programs. You can issue OXCOMP and OICOMP commands to compile OPS/REXX programs without executing them; both commands store the compiled REXX code in the data set allocated to the OPSCOMP ddname. You can copy data sets containing precompiled OPS/REXX programs with no restrictions.

Precompiled OPS/REXX programs use exactly the same REXX functions as source code programs, but the precompiled programs are loaded faster. When you call a precompiled program, OPS/REXX loads and executes it, eliminating the time needed to read the source code and compile it. In contrast, source code programs take more time to load because OPS/REXX has to read and compile the code first.