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OPS/REXX Compound Symbols

Compound symbols let you establish an accurate and efficient way to address values. By design, they are a good way to implement tables or arrays.

An OPS/REXX compound symbol is a named object that you can assign a value or data to. It is a powerful variable because you can include one or more variables in the name of the compound symbol itself. In other words, what makes a compound symbol unique is that a portion of the name of the compound symbol itself can be a variable.

Typically, the name of the most simple type of a variable is an identifiable constant; most likely a character string.

On the other hand, consider a variable that is a compound symbol:

Example: Compound Symbols

An analogy is the address system of a city.

In this analogy:

For more information about compound symbols, see THE REXX LANGUAGE: A Practical Approach to Programming by M.F. Cowlishaw (Prentice Hall, 1990).