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GAV2VFY Verification Program

The GAV2VFY OPS/REXX exec helps you verify the setup items that SSMGAV2 requires. You should execute GAV2VFY on each copy of CA OPS/MVS that you want running SSMGAV2. You can execute this exec as standalone, or you can call GAV2VFY as a function.

Note: You cannot execute GAV2VFY in AOF rules.

If you execute GAV2VFY in a CA OPS/MVS server, the output from this exec is WTO'ed. If you execute the exec from TSO/ISPF, the output is SAY'ed to the screen. If you call the exec as a function, an argument of 'X' is required to place the output into the External Data Queue for further processing by the calling code.

The GAV2VFY exec performs the following types of checks: