Previous Topic: Sample AOF RulesNext Topic: Sample OPS/REXX Programs

Available Sample Rules

This section lists the details regarding the individual sample AOF rules as outlined in the appendix Supplied Sample Rules and Programs, which overviews a specific automatable system component or event.

You can find these rules in hlq.CCLXRULS.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Collects and stores all IEF450I messages in a RDF table. Creates a dynamic TOD rule to trigger an OPS/REXX program to process the data and offload to a sequential data set.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: z/OS

Process CA Sysview MVS threshold API events


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: z/OS

Process API events triggered by an event web service request.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: Security

Restarts the CA OPS/MVS security interface after CA ACF2 is active.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Creates an automated filtering tool to assist in identifying WTORs and action messages (messages with descriptor codes 1,2,11) that have not been automated upon using a corresponding unique CA OPS/MVS rule.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Sets the name of the CA NetMaster EPS Receiver ID parameter value.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: n/a

Detects heartbeat failures for CA products that internally generate API CAHEARTBT events.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: n/a

Detects abnormal heart beat intervals for CA products that internally generate API CAHEARTBT events.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: n/a

Detects DOMs previously issued heart beat interval failures upon participating CA products reissuing NORMAL heart beat events.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: n/a

Detects unique API events from CA MIM.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: n/a

Demonstrates using an API rule for API events generated from CA PDSMAN.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: n/a

Detects unique API events from CA Scheduler.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: z/OS

Processes CA SYSVIEW CICS lifetime transaction threshold API events.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: TSO

Sends the IKJ574I Broadcast Data Set Full message to a list of TSO user IDs. If the user does not respond after twelve messages, the CA Automation Point Notification Manager is used to escalate the problem.


Rule Type: Automatic Restart Manager

Subsystem: z/OS

Provides synchronization for System State Manager (SSM) any time ARM restarts an element that may be a resource managed by SSM.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

When z/OS issues message IEF403I for a started task initialization, this rule registers the task with z/OS Automatic Restart Manager, using the OPSARM function. The task name must be contained in GLOBAL0.ARMTASK.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Reacts when z/OS issues message IEF404I. If the task that is ending is defined to ARM, then OPSARM is issued to DEREGISTER the task.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Traps z/OS symptom dump multiline message IEA995I and saves dump data in a relational table that you can review online using the table editor.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: IMS

After starting IMS, you receive the outstanding REPLY:


The BMWRULE stops the database by REPLYing the DBDNAME to the BMW001A WTOR if one of the following occurs:


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Respond to initialization WTOR from OMVS zFS file system.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: n/a

Demonstrates creating MSG rules for message IDs greater than 10 characters (sample logic replies to CA 11 WTOR).


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: TSO

Enables you to cancel TSO users and jobs that have the same user ID.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CAIENF

Restarts CA OPS/MVS when CAIENF is active.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CAIENF

Stops CA OPS/MVS when CAIENF is inactive.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA7

Processes CA 7 SMF0-19 job failure messages.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA7

Processes additional segment lines for multi-segmented CA 7 events.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA7

Processes CA 7 SCNP-11 job late messages.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: IMS

Shuts down the IOF BMP at the termination checkpoint.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Shows you how to create a generic INIT section in situations where a rule set is active on all systems, but certain rules are only intended to be ENABLEd on some systems. The generic INIT section can be used in any rule to maintain such rules.


Rule Type: EOJ

Subsystem: z/OS

Monitors CICS regions that are abnormally terminating within a non CA OPS/MVS SSM environment through an End-of-Job event. Demonstrates how to use EOJ rules.


Rule Type: MSG,EOM

Subsystem: z/OS

Monitors CICS regions that are abnormally terminating within a non CA OPS/MVS SSM environment. Demonstrates logic needed to correlate different events from the same ASID (msg1,msg2,eom,etc) using unique global variables.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CICS

Saves the name of a CICS region within a CA OPS/MVS global variable. The variable is needed within the aggressive system shutdown sample procedure SHUTSYS2, to initiate the proper shutdown of a CICS region that may have started outside of STATEMAN.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

The CMD rule component of the CMDALL application. This command initiates the CMDALL OPS/REXX program.


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: z/OS

The REQ rule component of the CMDALL application. Triggered through the CMDALL OPS/REXX program on each system to issue desired command, collect response output, then send back to the requesting system.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Requests WTOR confirmation for a specific command or list of commands.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Keeps track of the number of times each z/OS and subsystem command has been used since the last IPL occurred. You can use this count to determine the types of commands being used most on the system, which will give you an idea of where automation of commands would be most valuable.


Rule Type: CMD

Subsystem: z/OS

Forces WTOR verification if a VARY command exceeds a defined maximum range threshold.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: DB2

Enables you to enter DB2 commands without suspending JES3. The command goes to an OSF server address space for execution.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: DB2

Saves the name of a DB2 master region (ssidMSTR) within a CA OPS/MVS global variable. This variable is needed by the DB2TASKS sample rule which saves the starting of spawned DB2 regions. The variable is also needed within the aggressive system shutdown sample procedure, SHUTSYS2, to initiate the proper shutdown of a DB2 region that may have started outside of STATEMAN.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: DB2

Saves the names of DB2 tasks (ssidIRLM, ssidDIST, and so on.) that are spawned or started from a master DB2 subsystem within an OPS/MVS global variable. This variable is interrogated within the aggressive system shutdown procedures performed by the SHUTSYS2 OPS/REXX sample program. This variable allows the shutdown logic to bypass the stopping of a spawned DB2 tasks. These tasks are stopped through the shutdown of the associating DB2 master region.


Rule Type: Delete-operator message

Subsystem: z/OS

Traps the DOM related z/OS and subsystem interface control blocks for debugging purposes. The control block information is saved in the CA OPS/MVS temporary global variables and can be viewed using OPSVIEW option 4.8.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Traps the command related z/OS and subsystem interface control blocks for debugging purposes. The control block information is saved in the CA OPS/MVS temporary global variables and can be viewed using OPSVIEW option 4.8.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Traps the z/OS and subsystem interface control blocks for debugging purposes.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: N/A

Creates threshold (x times y seconds) monitoring logic for CICS max socket error conditions.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: IMS

Replies to the DFS690A message to allow the IOF BMP to wait for the control region to become active.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: IMS

Highlights IMS MTO message ERROR CHECK TO MTO on the z/OS console any time the message is issued.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: IMS

Starts the IOF BMP only after the control region is fully active.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Initiates disaster recovery procedures.


Rule Type: Delete‑operator message

Subsystem: z/OS

DOM events are triggered to remove high intensity messages from MCS consoles. This rule displays the WTO sequence number of the message being deleted.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Enables an operator to get a complete list of the outstanding replies using the old form of the D R,L command. The command will be converted to D R,L,CN=(ALL) if your release of z/OS requires this format.


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Suppress and deletes from syslog specific DB2 Distributed Agent abend failure MLWTO messages as determined by the last line of the MLWTO that indicates the failure reason.


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Process DB2 data set-definition failure MLWTO messages.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: DB2

Process DB2 Thread timeout conditions.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: DB2

Responds to DB2 IRLM lockouts caused by a system or DB2 failure within a shared data group.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: DB2

Process DB2 Thread timeout conditions.


Rule Type: EOJ

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates the logic that can be used to obtain status or event data from another system such as the maximum condition code (maxcc) of a batch job in order to perform some automated action on a local system.


Rule Type: End‑of‑memory

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Dequeues remaining table editor and schedule manager enqueues after TSO users terminate.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Demonstrates EPI capabilities by logging on a TSO user ID to get a data set name list based on the AOF rule set prefix and suffix.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA MIM

Keeps CA MIC internal messages out of OPSLOG.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: JES3

Informs the operator when JES3 has been initialized and issues a prompt to start the XYZ job.


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Process IEA611I dump messages and generate an alert with the captured dump dsn for abends that are monitored from the IEA794I sample rule.


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Process IEA794I dump messages and store relevant dump data in a unique CA OPS/MVS global variable so that it can be manipulated in the IEA611I sample rule which generates a detail email of the dump event.


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Restarts the SMSVSAM address space if it produces a specific abend. Demonstrates throttle logic to process this event on time in 10 minutes.


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Processes the first occurrence of a VTOC error condition from the specific DASD device within a sysplex. All other identical issuances of this failure for the same VTOC error will not be processed for the next 10 minutes. This prevents reacting to the same event more than once. Create dynamic JCL to invoke the ICKDSF utility to reinitialize the VTOC when the IEC606I event occurs.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Starts a sample external writer when the SYSLOG data set is full and informs the operator.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Submits a disk reader command to JES3 to read in the job when an SMF data set is full.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Starts a job that dumps a full SMF data set.

When z/OS issues message IEE391A, this rule issues the following command:


No JCL or procedure for dumping the SMF data set is provided in the rule. You must tailor the rule to fit your needs.

Note: When the SMF data set name does not use the SYS1.MANn naming convention, message IEE391A is issued instead of message IEE362A.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Issues information messages for job management messages IEF403I and IEF404I.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Stops the external writer when it becomes idle.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

When a job wait is requested with the reply HOLD or NOHOLD, this rule issues an operator REPLY command using the reply number from the first word of the message.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

When z/OS issues message IFB040I to indicate that the SYS1.LOGREC data set is full, this rule submits and issues an MVS START command and notifies four users. No JCL or procedure for dumping/printing or clearing the data set is provided in the rule. You must tailor the rule to fit your needs.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: TSO

Reduces the number of Broadcast Data Set Full messages to one every five minutes.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: TSO

Replies to the message indicating that a STOP command was entered to stop TCAS, but a number of TSO users are still active. The sample replies with the FSTOP response. If you prefer, you can change the response to SIC.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: IMS

Saves the name of an IMS region within an CA OPS/MVS global variable. The variable is needed within the aggressive system shutdown sample procedure SHUTSYS2 to initiate the proper shutdown of an IMS region that may have started outside of STATEMAN.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

When z/OS issues message IEA404A for WTO buffers full, the rule executes a CLIST that inserts a record into the IBM INFO/SYSTEM problem database. This CLIST is included in the CA OPS/MVS sample CLIST library.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Dispatches a program to invoke ISPF services.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Highlights all IOS messages.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Obtains various IPL data information, stores that data in a variable, and then issues a MLWTO OPSLOG only message with the data.

The MLWTO can be used as a quick tool within OPSLOG to locate the started IPLs, and the variable will be accessed using the OPSINQRY sample OPS/REXX program as a tool to present the collected IPL data across MSF connected systems.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: MVS

Aggressively suppresses the numerous WTOs generated during a system IPL.

Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Issues commands after a system IPL has been performed.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Responds to the Auxiliary Storage Shortage message by adding a page data set and highlighting the message.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Responds to the Auxiliary Storage Shortage message by adding a page data set and highlighting the message.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Allows a user to issue a $TJ command to only a jobname that corresponds to the TSO user ID. For example, user ID TSOUSR1 can issue $TJ commands only to TSOUSR1x jobnames.


Rule Type: CMD

Subsystem: z/OS

Create pseudo command rule to trigger JOBINFO OPS/REXX program to extract specific JES data for a job and display data back to the console.


Rule Type: TOD

Subsystem: N/A

Invokes the MIMTAPE OPS/REXX program to determine if any outstanding mount pendings are occurring for locally managed CA MIM tape devices.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrate rule logic needed to manipulate data across different lines of an MLWTO message in order to take some automation action. Specific logic processes the IEA995I event.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrate rule logic needed to store each data line of an MLWTO so it can be manipulated within an OPS/REXX program to perform some type of asynchronous automation. The MLWTO keyword of the )MSG specifier is utilized.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrate rule logic needed to manipulate data across different lines of an MLWTO message in order to create a single alert message. Specific logic processes the DSNT376I event.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrate rule logic needed to process MLWTO events without the MLWTO keyword being specified.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Enables operators to route console commands to a remote system using the MSF component of CA OPS/MVS.


Rule Type: Global Variable

Subsystem: MSF

Deactivates all active MSF sessions and deletes all MSF‑defined nodes when the rule is disabled during normal product termination.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Demonstrates how to completely eliminate a message from the OPSLOG, SYSLOG, consoles, JESMSGLG (joblog), and JESYSMSG data sets.


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: TSO

Provides a full screen control application for viewing or updating OPS/REXX global variables. This rule provides a good illustration of the power and flexibility of REXX programs.

Note: This program must be invoked under ISPF.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: NetView

Displays all copies of NetView in the system.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Prevents the messages that result from SAY statements in rules from appearing in the JES JOBLOG.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Sets SVCDUMP parameter to ON after ESTAE routine has set SVCDUMP to OFF and issued this message.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Switches automatically to an alternate active OPSLOG when current live OPSLOG nears a wrap condition.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Detects when the CA OPS/MVS to CAICCI interface is activated and attempts to activate CCI connections.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Executes when the OSF execute processor detects that a server address space has been cancelled but not terminated.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Triggers on the OPS/MVS message that is issued when some asid may be looping and generates a formal alert if a defined threshold is met. The MSGDRAINRATE and MSGTHRESHOLD parameters within CA OPS/MVS detect address spaces that issue excessive message traffic.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Enables console operators to issue AOF commands and receive responses at the z/OS console.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Prohibits certain TSO user IDs from issuing the OPSCMD command. Replace the USERID parameter with a valid TSO user ID before you enable this rule.


Rule Type: TOD

Subsystem: z/OS

Invokes OPSLGSCN OPS/REXX program to periodically scan OPSLOG looking for specific OPS/REXX compiler and execution error messages that might have occurred within rules and programs. Generates an alert email of these messages to a list of designated users.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Warns when OPSLOG sequence numbers are approaching a wrap condition.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Invokes Mainframe Environment Discovery Script (MEDS) for specific CA products.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows for display and control of MSF facilities from a console. It can also be used to start MSF on another system in a sysplex using the MVS ROUTE command.


Rule Type: API

Subsystem: SOF

Demonstrates how to bring selected devices online in response to API event OPSOF001 issued by SOF.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Lets you display and control OSF servers from a console.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Lets you display and set CA OPS/MVS parameters from a console.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Displays home address space virtual storage on the console.


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Processes data collector messages from CA Xmanager and invokes TSFBATCH Proc unload to submit detector data to TSF.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Indicates various sample rules that provide support to sample SSM Sysplex applications.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: JES3

Enables console operators to reply to WTOR messages by entering only a reply number and reply text. JES2 provides this facility as a standard feature. This rule provides the same capability for JES3.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows console operators to enter AOF commands and receive the responses. This version executes a request rule in the server to prompt for a password for CA ACF2 validation.


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: z/OS

Works with the SECAOF command to CA ACF2 to protect a command.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows a selective list of userids to access the GLV prefix particular to the OPSLOG Merge application. One of five sample rules for securing the OPSLOG Merge application.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows a selective list of userids to use Address OPSCTL MSF and OPSLOG functions. One of five sample rules for securing the OPSLOG Merge application.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows a selective list of userids to view any defined OPSLOG. One of five sample rules for securing the OPSLOG Merge application.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows a selective list of userids to issue the OPSRMT command. One of five sample rules for securing the OPSLOG Merge application.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows a selective list of userids to access the GLOBAL0 prefix particular to the OPSLOG Merge application. One of five sample rules for securing the OPSLOG Merge application.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: z/OS

Illustrates how generalized resource rules can be used to protect the OPSCMD command processor.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows all users to issue the OPSREQ TSO command.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: n/a

Demonstrates techniques to secure SSM control from OPSVIEW panels.



Subsystem: n/a

Demonstrates techniques to secure the OPSLOG WebView component.



Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows a selective list of userids to access the GLOBAL0 prefix particular to the OPSLOG Merge application. One of five sample rules for securing the OPSLOG Merge application.

Allows a selective list of userids to issue the OPSAPI request integral to Web Service event request. Works in cooperation with rule APIWSEV.



Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows a selective list of userids to access the GLOBAL0 prefix particular to Web Service osfrexx request. You only need this rule if the Web Service API is in use and companion rule SECWSRQ is also enabled.



Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: CA OPS/MVS

Allows list of users of the OPS/MVS osfrexx Web Service enable a dynamic rule to periodically run Garbage Collection. You only need this rule if the Web Service API is in use and companion rule SECWSGV is also enabled.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: N/A

Starts the QUERYRES REXX program every five minutes to query the status of resources and update global variables.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Enables console operators to issue a shutdown for CICS. The rule starts the REXX program CICSSHUT in a CA OPS/MVS server address space to perform the shutdown.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: STATEMAN

This TOD rule is part of the aggressive system shutdown sample procedures (as described within the SHUTSYS1 OPS/REXX program sample). This rule issues highlighted MLWTO system shutdown status messages within a specified 10‑minute shutdown window, and stops the security package and CA OPS/MVS if all resources have stopped. Manual intervention alerts are generated if resources are still active at the end of the ten‑minute shutdown window.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: SOF

Secures access to SOF from MVS console commands by using resources defined to a security product.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: SOF

Secures access to SOF from MVS console commands issued by user IDs defined in the rule.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: SOF

Secures access to SOF from OPS/REXX ADDRESS SOF and OPSVIEW panels by using resources defined to a security product.


Rule Type: Security

Subsystem: SOF

Secures access to SOF from OPS/REXX ADDRESS SOF and OPSVIEW panels used by user IDS defined in the rule.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: JES2

Invokes sample SPOOLMON OPS/REXX program when JES2 TGS (spool space/track groups) threshold warnings are received. Application creates an alert of the problem which includes the jobname of the top spool user.


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: n/a

Demonstrates using SSM v2 techniques to perform a reverse order shutdown of resources. Start A, then B, then C, but stop B, then A, then C.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: STATEMAN

Provides the ability to monitor and control SSM resources using a pseudo command that can be entered from anywhere a system command can be issued.


Rule Type: EOJ

Subsystem: z/os

Process all End-Of-Job events on a system if a large amount of batch jobs and STCs are being monitored in SSM and Type 30 records are being generated for STCs.


Rule Type: EOJ

Subsystem: z/os

Process all End-Of-Job events on a system if a large amount of batch jobs and STCs are being monitored in SSM and Type 30 records are not being generated for STCs.


Rule Type: EOJ

Subsystem: z/os

Process End-Of-Job events for a particular batch job or jobs that are being monitored within SSM.


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: N/A

An end‑user TSO tool to display SSM mismatches (exceptions) from all MSF‑connected systems.


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: N/A

Demonstrates using SSM v2 techniques to move resources between sysplex systems.


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: N/A

Demonstrates using SSM techniques to perform cross sysplex prerequisite and subrequisite checking.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: N/A

Intercepts a command and modifies command contents.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: N/A

Saves the names of all system related STCS that are started prior to CA OPS/MVS within global variable. The variable is needed within the aggressive system shutdown sample procedure SHUTSYS2 to bypass the stopping of these tasks that will be internally stopped by the operating system.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: n/a

Implements aggressive message suppression.


Rule Type: Message, Request

Subsystem: N/A

Obtains various system‑related IPL information for a system and saves it in a CA OPS/MVS shared variable database. Query the data from a TSO focal point.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: n/a

Invokes SYSVALRT OPS/REXX program to monitor and respond accordingly to any CA SYSVIEW Alerts.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: COMMAND

Issues CA SYSVIEW commands on the console with information returned to the console. This rule must be implemented together with the OPS/REXX program SYSVECMD.


Rule Type: Message, Delete-operator-message, Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: N/A

Creates notification alerts for outstanding tape mounts that are pending for some defined threshold.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: N/A

Schedules the TIMECHNG REXX EXEC to run in an OSF TSO server, prior to the time the system clocks are changed. This rule is typically used for Daylight Savings time changes. See the TIMECHNG sample REXX program.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: N/A

Illustrates a rule that executes at time intervals for multiple days. The example rule executes every 15 minutes starting on August 2, 2007, at 1:50 and continuing until December 31, 2007.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: N/A

Illustrates a rule that executes 10 seconds after it is enabled. The rule is disabled after its first and only execution.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: N/A

Demonstrates how a rule can execute multiple times in one day. The example executes nine times between 3:00 and 4:00 on August 3, 2007.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: N/A

Illustrates comparative rules to be used as directed by CA OPS/MVS support.


Rule Type: Time‑of‑day

Subsystem: TSO

Monitoring time rule to trigger the TSOCHECK sample OPS/REXX program that monitors TSO/E access and response time.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: Security

Restarts the CA OPS/MVS security interface after CA Top Secret is active.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS, CA7

Demonstrates creating a focal point for UEJM messages destined to OPSLOG.


Rule Type: GLV

Subsystem: z/OS

Interrogate and process job monitoring data stored in a global variable as set through CA Workload Automation EE script.


Rule Type: SEC

Subsystem: z/OS

Allow CA Workload Automation EE to create a global variable through the WAEE2OPS sample CA WAEE script.


Rule Type: Message

Subsystem: z/OS

Responds to IEA404A and IEA405E MCS console backlog messages by detecting and clearing the backed‑up consoles.


Rule Type: Command

Subsystem: z/OS

Creates pseudo command rule for manual display request of sysplex WTOR information.


Rule Type: EOJ

Subsystem: z/OS

Initiate CA XCOM failover procedures if CA XCOM abnormally terminates.


Rule Type: MSG

Subsystem: z/OS

Set a flag to be used within XCOPSEOJ to indicate CA XCOM is requested to shutdown.



Subsystem: z/OS

Performs a shutdown on CICS when a z/OS CSA shortage exists.


Rule Type: CMD

Subsystem: z/OS

Processes a pseudo sysplex routed command that can be used to remotely determine if an ASID is active using the OPSTATUS().


Rule Type: Request

Subsystem: N/A

Extracts and retains any enabled AOF rule that has a zero fire count.