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Retrieve Responses to NetView Commands

If you want OPS/REXX programs to issue NetView commands and receive command responses, these programs must run in an environment where operator command responses are returned. When you issue a command, CA OPS/MVS chooses an available subsystem console from its pool of subsystem consoles. Because you do not know which console CA OPS/MVS will select, you need to define all CA OPS/MVS subsystem consoles to NetView using the autotask command.

The DEFNVCON program in the CA OPS/MVS OPS.CCLXSAMP library is a sample OPS/REXX program that issues the NetView autotask command for each CA OPS/MVS subsystem console.

To define autotasks to retrieve responses to NetView commands

  1. Use the DEFNVCON sample program to define the consoles.

    This guarantees that the current set of CA OPS/MVS subsystem consoles are always defined to NetView, even if your subsystem consoles change from one CA OPS/MVS startup to another startup.

  2. Before running DEFNVCON, do the following tasks:

    The default operator ID prefix is OPSMVS, and DEFNVCON will define all CA OPS/MVS subsystem consoles to NetView.

The autotasks are defined for all of your consoles.

For more information, see the comments in DEFNVCON.