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SSMDISP Command—Display Resource Status

The SSMDISP sample OPS/REXX program that is located in your opsmvshlq.CCLXSAMP library displays the status of SSM resources using a multi-line WTO. To utilize this sample program, copy it into your opsmvshlq.USER.REXX library, or a valid user REXX library that is allocated to your OPSMAIN, and OPSOSF procedures.

You can filter the resources that you want to display by mode or whether the current state is equal to the desired state. Also, you can direct the output of the program to a specific console or areaid. If you use the SSMDISP program with the SSMDISPC command rule, an OSF server is not required to run SSMDISP. You can call SSMDISP as a subroutine from any OPS/REXX program.

This command has the following syntax:

[CNNAME(console name)]
[AREAID(display area)]

The keywords of the SSMDISP command have these values:


(Optional) One of the following values:


(Optional) Displays only the SSM resources whose mode matches the specified mode. Valid values are ACTIVE, INACTIVE, PASSIVE, and NOPREREQ. The default is to not filter by mode.

CNNAME(console name)

(Optional) Specifies the name of the z/OS console to which the multiline output is directed. The default is MSTRINFO routing with no specific console.

AREAID(display area)

(Optional) Specifies the z/OS console display area in which the multiline output appears if the output is directed to a console through CNNAME or CNID. The default is Z.