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Perform a System Shutdown

With SSM, system shutdown is nothing more than setting the DESIRED_STATE to DOWN for all active started tasks that SSM controls. The OPS.CCLXSAMP data set contains a member called SSMSHUT, which provides various options you can tailor to meet your shutdown requirements.

If you intend to use the SSMSHUT program when you implement SSM on your production system, see The SSMSHUT Program in this chapter to understand how it works. For now, invoke SSMSHUT by issuing the following console command:


Note: In the console command above, the ! represents the OSF command character.

In response, you will see the following message:

002 SSMSHUT MVS System shutdown requested at 12:20. Reply
  within 00:01 'A' to abort or 'N' to shutdown now.

Reply N to initiate the shutdown process. The following occurs:

Once you start a system shutdown or IPL, you can invoke the SSMDISP OPS/REXX program. By using this command periodically, you can keep track of what the current state is and what the desired state is as time lapses.

The following variables can help you diagnose any problems with SSM that may occur during your initial system shutdown or IPL.


Displays resources where the current state does not equal the desired state.


Displays all resources.

For more information, see The SSMDISP Program in this chapter.

The SSMDISP REXX program should display all started tasks that do not have both their current state and desired state set to DOWN. If you have any tasks that do not have a current state of DOWN, then one of the following is true:

Proceed with your shutdown of the system and note any tasks that needed special attention.