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Step 1: Take a Snapshot of Your System

The Snapshot function captures data about started tasks on your system. Snapshot uses this data to create a started task resource table that contains a row for each started task that runs on your system. Snapshot also creates an action table, which contains the appropriate actions to control the started tasks. Using Snapshot greatly simplifies configuring and maintaining the started task data.

Follow these steps:

  1. Choose option 4.11 from the primary OPSVIEW panel.

    The panel displays the SSM function:

    System State Manager---------- CA99 -- O P S V I E W ---------- Subsystem OPSX Date/Time: 2009/04/05 10:31 1 Control - Set/Display SSM parameters and resource tables 2 Status - Set/Display states of SSM controlled local resources 3 Snapshot - Create/Modify a local SSM started task resource table 4 Scheduler - Set/Display schedules for SSM controlled resources 5 Group Manager - Create/Manage groups of SSM resources A Action Editor - Create and maintain SSM action tables G Global Status - Set/Display states of SSM controlled global resources R Resource Edit - Create and maintain SSM resource tables Press END to return

  2. Choose option 3 Snapshot from the main System State Manager panel.

    The following SSM Snapshot panel displays:

    SSM Snapshot-------------- XE44 -- O P S V I E W -------------- Subsystem OPSX COMMAND ===> The Snapshot facility scans the current system for active started tasks and creates a System State Manager table for them. This process may take several minutes to complete. After the Snapshot table is built, the SQL table editor will be invoked to allow you to view and customize the resulting table. SNAPSHOT RULES DATASET: Rules DSN ===> 'OPSDEV.O.CCLXRULM' (Required) SNAPSHOT INPUT FROM PARMLIB MEMBER LOAD SYSPARM ===> 00 STC IDENTIFICATION DATASET(S): User DSN ===> Opt) CA DSN ===> 'OPSDEV.O.CCLXCNTL(SNAPDATA)' Req) SNAPSHOT OUTPUT: Mode ===> A ( Add/Refresh/Update ) SSMO Cols ===> Y (Y/N) Table Name ===> STCTBL SSM version ===> (Currently 2 only) Enter SNAPSTART to BEGIN Snapshot, Press PF3 to EXIT without taking Snapshot

  3. We recommend that first-time users of SSM enter the following data:
  4. After you completed typing the entries into all required fields, enter the SNAPSTART command on the command line.

    The Snapshot process begins.

    Note: The process can take several minutes to survey your system and create the started-task resource and action tables. You see several messages as the process progresses. Step A is complete when the Snapshot facility invokes the CA OPS/MVS table editor so that you can view and edit the resource table.

You now have two new tables, the STCTBL resource table and the STCTBL_ACT action table.