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Sharing Resource Status Information

Two or more systems can share resource status information if they have the same SSMPLEXNAME setting. The SSMplex may include the same systems as a SYSplex, or may include a subset or superset of systems in a SYSplex.

Shared data is maintained in the GST (Global Status Table), which is maintained by the global system. Only one global system is active at any time.

Every SSMplex member has an SSMPRIORITY value between 0 and 999 that is used to select the “global” system.

Priority affects the choice of a new global system when no global system is active, but otherwise has no effect. See the SSMPRIORITY section in this chapter for more information.

Only systems that have a multi-system facility (MSF) connection to every other system in an SSMplex are eligible to be the global system. Eligibility and priority are both taken into account when selecting a new global system.

In normal operation, the global system uses MSF connections to collect status information and also distribute commands to the other systems.

SSMGA data collection is performed asynchronously by multiple subtasks. Using subtasks for data collection: