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Base Product Components

CA OPS/MVS provides tools that streamline data center operations, which let you unify and simplify the management of your IT environment for greater business results.

The CA OPS/MVS base product, which is a formal z/OS subsystem, runs in a number of z/OS address spaces. An alphabetical list of base product components follows:

Automated Operations Facility (AOF)

Automated Operations Facility (AOF) lets you program a response to a system event, such as a message or the passage of time. AOF rules are specially structured OPS/REXX programs that support automated operations by taking advantage of extensions made to the OPS/REXX language.

Enhanced Console Facility (ECF)

The Enhanced Console Facility (ECF) is intended for use when TSO (and therefore OPSVIEW) is down. It lets you log on to a z/OS or JES console and conduct a line-mode interactive TSO session. From this session, you can issue TSO commands or invoke TSO CLISTs or OPS/REXX programs, including those that issue prompts for additional input. By logging on to the ECF, the operator can perform tasks such as repairing members of SYS1.PROCLIB required for TSO operation.

External Product Interface (EPI)

The External Product Interface (EPI) permits CA OPS/MVS systems that are running under VTAM to communicate with any VTAM application that supports IBM 3270 (SLU2) type virtual terminals. The EPI appears to VTAM as a real 3270 terminal that can emulate any number of 3270 type virtual terminals that are connected to any number of VTAM applications.

Using EPI, you can automate issuing commands to and fetching data from VTAM applications and you can share VTAM sessions between OPS/REXX programs.

Operator Server Facility (OSF)

An integral part of CA OPS/MVS, the Operator Server Facility (OSF) lets users schedule OPS/REXX programs, TSO commands, and TSO/E REXX programs or CLISTs for CA OPS/MVS to execute. Various CA OPS/MVS components use the OSF services, including the AOF, ECF, IOF, and MSF.

OPS/REXX Language

REXX (Restructured EXtended eXecutor) is the standard command language for all of the IBM environments under its Systems Application Architecture (SAA).

Because a product such as CA OPS/MVS must be programmable in some language, CA OPS/MVS comes with its own implementation of REXX, called OPS/REXX. This provides users with long-term stability for their investments in CA OPS/MVS. OPS/REXX provides SAA compatibility with added functions to help you write programs for system automation tasks.

OPSVIEW Interface

OPSVIEW is a full-screen, menu-driven operations interface that both data processing professionals and end users can use. OPSVIEW provides panels for performing various z/OS system functions, and it is the primary vehicle for controlling CA OPS/MVS itself.

Programmable Operations Interface (POI)

The Programmable Operations Interface (POI) consists of TSO command processors and REXX functions. The POI provides a programmable interface to both the z/OS console and to CA OPS/MVS facilities. You can use the command processors and functions to build custom operations automation and productivity enhancement applications. OPSVIEW, the CA OPS/MVS operations interface, is one example of an application that was built using the POI.

Relational Data Framework (RDF)

The Relational Data Framework (RDF) facility lets you use Structured Query Language (SQL) statements to manage the large amounts of system information that are required by automation rules and OPS/REXX programs. Instead of using large sets of variables, use the RDF to collect system information, organize it into a relational table containing rows and columns of related data, and retrieve related system information by selecting it from a particular row or column.

We chose SQL to manage automation data because of the wide popularity of SQL with mainframe and PC users. The RDF consists of relational SQL tables plus a subset of the SQL language that conforms to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards. If you already know SQL, you can able to use its CA OPS/MVS subset right away.

System State Manager (SSM)

The System State Manager (SSM) monitors and controls the status of the hardware and software resources on your system.

Using information from the RDF relational tables, SSM maintains a model of the proper state of your system resources. When the actual state of a resource deviates from that model (for instance, when a tape drive that should be online goes offline), SSM dispatches an OPS/REXX program to restore the resource to its proper state.

VM Guest Support (VMGS)

VM Guest Support (VMGS) lets CA OPS/MVS issue a CP command to anywhere that a z/OS command could be issued. This support means that if your site runs z/OS under VM, you can coordinate the z/OS activities with those of VM.