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Specify CAICCI-related Parameters

To use the CAICCI cross-platform communications services, follow these guidelines for setting parameters:

If you want to communicate between systems through MSF CCI links before VTAM is active in the system, set the value of the MSFNONVTAMONLY parameter to YES during product initialization.

After CA OPS/MVS is initialized, you can change the MSFNONVTAMONLY parameter so you can set it to NO after VTAM starts. Then you can connect to other systems using APPC (in addition to the CCI connections that were established earlier).

If you use CCI protocol before VTAM is active (with the intention of using VTAM later), you must specify a valid VTAM APPLID in the MSF DEFINE statement for the local system. The APPLID is not active at the time CA OPS/MVS is started, and communication is established through CCI. However, after VTAM is active, other systems can connect to the specified system through APPC connections, so in these cases you need the VTAM APPLID.

Note: For more information about these and other CAICCI parameters, see the Parameter Reference.