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Tailor AOF ARM Rules

You can enable ARM to let CA OPS/MVS restart itself after a failure by tailoring the AOF ARM rules.

To tailor the AOF ARM rules

  1. Consult with the systems programming group at your site to determine how ARM is being used. At a minimum, an ARM couple data set with at least a default policy must exist and be accessible to all sysplex systems on which ARM is to be used. The following command, which starts ARM, must be issued during system initialization:

    To display the status of ARM, use the following command:


    If CA OPS/MVS is to use ARM to restart itself after a failure, you should determine a sysplex unique element name and, optionally, an element type. Tailor the ARM policy based on the restart criteria you desire.

    CA OPS/MVS will only restart on the system on which it is running since other copies of the product are already active on the other sysplex systems.

  2. Set the required ARMELEMNAME parameter and optional ARMELEMTYPE and ARMELEMASSOC parameters to the desired values in the OPSSPA00 REXX program. These parameters can only be set at this time.


  3. Set the INITARM and ARMRULES parameters in the OPSSPA00 REXX program.


    var = OPSPRM('SET','INITARM','YES')
    var = OPSPRM('SET','ARMRULES','YES')

    Note: ARMRULES can be changed at any time.

    When CA OPS/MVS starts, the message OPS0311I/OPS0312E is issued to indicate the status of each ARM call for the product. For the return codes and error condition descriptions, see the IBM documentation.

  4. If the INITARM parameter was set to YES for AOF ARM rules, the message OPS0310I is displayed for the installation of the OPMVAREX dynamic exit module at the IXC_ELEM_RESTART MVS exit point. This exit remains active even after the product terminates, and, when the product restarts, it will be reclaimed by the original product subsystem that loaded it. To display the status of the exit module, issue this z/OS command:

    You can also control the exit manually with this z/OS command:


    If the OPMVAREX exit module is not properly installed, AOF ARM rule events will not occur. If the exit module is modified by maintenance and a new copy must be reloaded, the following CA OPS/MVS command will deactivate the exit module, reload the new version of the module, and reactivate the exit:


If the exit fails to install, set the DEBUGDYN parameter to YES in the OPSSPA00 REXX program and examine the messages in OPSLOG to determine the reason for the failure and the return codes. The codes are explained in the IBM publication Authorized Assembler Services Reference ALE-DYN in the section about the CSVDYNEX macro.