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Configure the Interface

For instructions on how to configure CA MIC to do the following, see the CA MIC Message Sharing Systems Programmer Guide:

If you only intend to use the CA MIC cross-system command interface and do not want to automate the command responses or have them displayed in OPSLOG, then no CA OPS/MVS configuration is required.

If you intend to display CA MIC imported messages in OPSLOG, you must set the BROWSEMESSAGES parameter to MVSGLOBAL. If you intend to have CA MIC imported messages automated by AOF rules, you must set the AOFMESSAGES parameter to MVSGLOBAL.

Note: Changing this parameter may have a major impact on your automation.

In most sites that run both products, CA OPS/MVS is usually started prior to CA MIC. However, if CA MIC is started before CA OPS/MVS and the CA OPS/MVS SSIMSG parameter is set to a value of YES, you will find that the CA MIC internal encrypted messages (all of which have message IDs that start with GCM/) appear in the OPSLOG. We recommend that you always start CA OPS/MVS before CA MIC. However, if that sequence does not fit into your automation scheme, use the following sample rule (which has also been included in member GCM of the OPS/MVS sample rules library) that demonstrates how to exclude all the GCM messages from the OPSLOG.

Note: You should not attempt to suppress these GCM/ messages or you will impact the functionality of CA MIC.
