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Configure the Web Application

A z/OS HTTP web server environment, such as the IBM WebSphere product, must be installed on your system before you configure the OPSLOG WebView web application. The detailed setup instructions that follow discuss how to add definitions to an existing server.

To configure the Web Application

  1. Use a text editor to modify the httpd.conf configuration file in your web server (see Resource 4).

    Include a PASS statement similar to the following example:

    PASS /applname/* /uss target path/*

    Provides the application name of the OPSLOG WebView server that users will specify on the URL used to open an OPSLOG WebView client session (see Resource 5).


    Provides the path name where you installed the OPSLOG WebView server files (see Resource 3).

    Ensure the following AddType statements are included to direct the web server to recognize particular file types used by OPSLOG WebView:

    AddType .jnlp application/x-java-jnlp-file ebcdic 1.0 #JNLP - Java Web Start
    AddType .css  text/css                     ebcdic 1.0 #Cascade Style
    AddType .js   text/javascript              ebcdic 1.0 #Javascript
  2. Use a text editor to customize the opslog.jnlp file, which is located in the USS/HFS or zFS in compatibility mode destination path:

    Provides the hostname and domain where your web application is installed.

    Note: See Resource 3 in the Resource Checklist.

  3. (Optional) Set up the TCP receive buffer size to support the TCP segmentation offload. Use the following statement:
    <property name="jnlp.SocketReceiveBuffer" value="n" />

    Specifies the size of the buffer in bytes.

    Limits: 256-256K

Examples: Customized opslog.jnlp File

More information:

OPSLOG WebView Post Installation