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Define Configuration Options

You can use two methods to pass configuration information to the OPSLOG WebView server when the server is initiated:

Every parameter that can be assigned in PARM can also be assigned using the SYSIN DD file. Any parameter defined in both places will be set from the SYSIN file. One difference between the two methods: The PARM field has all options in a single concatenated character string, whereas each parameter must be stored in a separate record in the SYSIN file. SYSIN must be a DASD-resident file.

There are three types of SYSIN records, which are distinguished by the character in column 1.

The following is a sample procedure:

//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*           <=== For server console messages
//STDOUT   DD SYSOUT=*           <=== For error/debug messages
//STDERR   DD SYSOUT=*           <=== For error/debug messages
//CEEDUMP  DD SYSOUT=*           <=== For z/OS LE reports
//SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=*           <=== Dump dataset

Note: The following statement is not acceptable because the JES Spool system is not available to a started task:

//SYSIN    DD *