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If a USS server command receives a command not found return code, check the path designation on the command and the value of the PATH variable. You may use the USS command echo $VNAME to display the value of a specific environmental variable. You may also use the TSO ISHELL command to easily navigate the HFS or zFS in compatibility mode structure to confirm the existence of a command in the expected directory.

If all USS server direct API CCS for z/OS commands abend, check the LIBPATH environment variable value defined in ENVFILE and confirm that the file TNEMEVT2 exists somewhere in the directory paths specified by LIBPATH. Check the other CA variable values that contain directory name values and verify those as well. USS file names are always case sensitive.

If the USS servers are started using SUB=MSTR and they fail to completely initialize after the startup of the system, change the start command for EZAZSSI in the COMMNDxx member of the system parameter library to start EZAZSSI SUB=MSTR as well. Cancel or force (if cancel fails) any uninitialized USS servers.

The USS process monitoring component installs module OPUSPREX as a dynamic system exit at exit names: BPX_POSPROC_INIT, BPX_IMAGE_INIT, and BPX_PREPROC_TERM.

Use the z/OS commands D PROG,EXIT,… and SETPROG EXIT,… to display and manage exit modules at these exits. The dynamic exits are created by the OMVS kernel at initialization and may not exist at the time that CA OPS/MVS starts. The dynamic exit install module of the product waits in a subtask until OMVS defines the exits. The exit module is installed when the exits' names are detected.