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Create a Product Directory from the Pax File

The pax command performs the following actions:

Set the current working directory to the directory containing the pax file, and create a directory in your USS directory by entering the following command:

pax -rvf pax-filename

Use the sample JCL that is attached to the PDF file as Unpackage.txt to extract the product pax file into a product installation directory.

Important! The PDF version of this guide includes sample JCL jobs that you can copy directly to the mainframe. To access these jobs, click the paper clip icon at the left of the PDF reader. A window displaying attachments opens. Double-click a file to view a sample JCL. We recommend that you use the latest version of Adobe Reader for viewing PDF files.

Follow these steps:

  1. Replace ACCOUNTNO with a valid JOB statement.
  2. Replace yourUSSpaxdirectory with the name of the USS directory that you use for product downloads.

    The job points to your specific directory.

  3. Replace paxfile.pax.Z with the name of the pax file.

    The job points to your specific pax file.

  4. Submit the job.

    The job creates the product directory.

Note: If the PARM= statement exceeds 71 characters, uncomment and use the second form of UNPAXDIR instead. This sample job uses an X in column 72 to continue the PARM= parameters to a second line.