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USS Environment Setup

You need a UNIX System Services (USS) directory and a file system with adequate space to perform the following tasks:

We recommend that you allocate and mount a file system that is dedicated to Pax ESD. The amount of space that you need for the file system depends on the following variables:

We recommend that you use one directory for downloading and unpacking pax files. Reusing the same directory minimizes USS setup. You need to complete the USS setup only one time. You reuse the same directory for subsequent downloads. Alternatively, you can create a directory for each pax download.

Important! Downloading pax files for the SMP/E installation as part of the Pax ESD process requires write authority to the UNIX System Services (USS) directories that are used for the Pax ESD process. In the file system that contains the Pax ESD directories, you also need free space approximately 3.5 times the pax file size to download the pax file and unpack its contents. For example, to download and unpack a 14 MB pax file, you need approximately 49 MB of free space in the file system hosting your Pax ESD directory.