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Install the NetView Operator Facility

Installing the NetView Operator Facility (NOF) requires you to make changes to both your CA OPS/MVS and NetView environments. You may want to consult the NetView systems programmer at your site for help with installing the NOF.

The NOF resides on the CA OPS/MVS distribution media. It uses the following libraries:

To install the NOF

  1. Create a rule set to house the sample rules supplied with the NOF by performing one of the following steps:

    If your site uses the CA OPS/MVS SECURITYRULESET parameter, copy OPNFSEC into your security rule set. OPNFSEC is a security rule that gives NetView access to CA OPS/MVS global variables. You can use the OPNFCPYR job in the OPS.CCLXCNTL data set to copy OPNFSEC and other NOF rules.

  2. Copy the NetView REXX programs from OPS.CCLXCLS0 to a library in the DSICLD concatenation in NetView. You can use the OPNFCPYE job in the OPS.CCLXCNTL data set to do this.

    Note: If you only concatenate the CA OPS/MVS load library to the NetView STEPLIB concatenation, then the CA OPS/MVS DSIEX11 module (part of the former CA OPS/MVS NetView interface) gets control. See Installing the NetView Interface in this chapter.

  3. Make the OPSCCLXLOAD library available to NetView. If your CA OPS/MVS load library is in the z/OS LNKLST, NetView already has access to it. Otherwise, you need to copy the following load modules named from OPSCCLXLOAD to your NetView STEPLIB library. You can use the OPNFCPYL job in the OPS.CCLXCNTL data set to accomplish this.

    OPNFSGLV enables NetView to set CA OPS/MVS global variables.

  4. Include the entries from the OPNFATBL member of the OPS.CCLXCNTL data library in your NetView message automation table. These entries trap events that CA OPS/MVS is interested in. We recommend that you use the NetView %INCLUDE feature to include the OPNFATBL entries, because this method enables you to maintain the CA OPS/MVS table entries separately.
  5. Configure a user ID called OPSMAIN on NetView so that OPSMAIN is a task that starts automatically when NetView starts. You can use an existing autotask if you change the OPNFATBL member to route messages to it.

    Note: Using a new autotask is preferable, because doing so enables you to use the NetView TASKUTIL command to track NOF resource consumption. The easiest way to create the autotask is to copy the autotask definition for AUTO1, which is a standard NetView autotask.

  6. (Optional) If you want to use the NetView STATMON interface, modify the DSICMN member of the NetView parameter library (typically, DSIPARM) by removing comments from the statements that begin with the text SENDMSG. Activating these statements will cause the NetView status monitor to issue CNM094I messages whenever a managed resource changes state. You can control the volume of CNM094I messages by determining which types of resources should generate these messages.
  7. Make sure that the NetView subsystem address space is active. This is required to generate NetView alerts. You can use the CA OPS/MVS System State Manager feature to manage this address space.

    Note: You can use the OPSNETV function of OPS/REXX to determine the status of the NetView subsystem address space. For more information about OPSNETV, see the User Guide.

  8. Use NetView LOADCL commands to load the NOF REXX programs into storage. This enables NetView to use the in-storage copy of the program instead of having to get it from disk for every message and alert.
  9. Modify the NetView startup procedure to issue the appropriate alert filtering commands. These commands are:

    NPDA SRF (set recording filter)

    Specifies which alerts you want to keep and filters out alerts you do not want. To enable all alerts to flow to NPDA, to be displayed on the NPDA screen, and to be automated by CA OPS/MVS, you must issue the following command in your NetView startup CLIST or after NetView is active:


    NPDA SVF (set viewing filter)

    Specifies which alerts you want to see. To enable all alerts that CA OPS/MVS generates to appear on the NPDA display, issue the following command in your NetView start up CLIST or after NetView is active:


After you have completed the steps listed above, the NOF is ready to operate. When you activate your new NetView message automation table, the NOF will behave like your existing DSIEX11 module (that is, if your DSIEX11 module echoes unsolicited VTAM messages to the console, so will the NOF). At this point, you may want to set up your NOF parameters using the OPNOF command.