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USS Server Environmental Variables

To execute Event Management component of CCS for z/OS commands as shell commands or as direct API commands from the USS server, you must set several environmental variables in both the shell and the server address space. To do this, the USS server reads the file pointed to by the ENVFILE DD statement at USS server initialization. In this file, environmental variables and their values are defined. You must set the PATH variable to include the appropriate CCS for z/OS directories containing the CCS for z/OS commands. You must set the LIBPATH variable to point to the CCS for z/OS dynamic link library for CCS for z/OS direct API commands. The PATH variable may also be expanded to include the command directories for other frequently used USS-based applications. To ensure that the ENVFILE remains as simple as possible, we recommend that you use shell commands or scripts to add directories to the PATH variable.

You must also specify the CCS for z/OS variables that begin with CA in the ENVFILE. You can obtain the names and values from the PROFILE file in the base CCS for z/OS directory. Do not use $CAIGLBL0000 in the CA variables as a symbolic substitution value in the variable definitions in ENVFILE. Replace any occurrences of $CAIGLBL0000 with its actual value. The member USSENV00 in SYS1.OPS.CCLXCNTL contains a sample ENVFILE with variable definitions and comments tailored for the default CCS for z/OS directory name (/cai/tngfw).