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Configure JES2 Environmental Functions (Required for JES2)

To use the JES2 environmental OPSINFO/OPSJES2 functions, assemble and link the JES2 offsets module, OPJ2CB, included in the CA OPS/MVS distribution media. The JCL to assemble and link the JES2 offsets module resides in SYS1.OPS.CCLXCNTL(JES2ASM). The source resides in SYS1.OPS.CCLXASM(OPJ2CB).

When you start CA OPS/MVS on a JES2 system and CA OPS/MVS detects that the default (null) OPJ2CB module has been loaded, it attempts to locate a default offset table for the version of JES2 running on your system. Since the default offset tables that CA Technologies supplies may not match your maintenance level of JES2, it is possible that they will not function correctly. If no default offset table is found, then the JES2-related OPSINFO() functions and the OPSJES2() function will not work. We strongly recommend that you always assemble OPJ2CB/OPJ2CBxx, rather than relying on the default offset tables.

The assembly of module OPJ2CB may result in a return code of 4; however, all non-zero return codes should be carefully investigated.

Important! All copies of the JES2 offsets module OPJ2CB must be reassembled before attempting to start CA OPS/MVS. Attempting to use old releases results in erroneous results, abends, or both.