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Set up a BMP Region

For CA OPS/MVS to take advantage of the ability to use a BMP region to issue IMS commands, you set up a BMP region.

To set up a BMP region

  1. Set the IMS parameter AOIS to a value other than N, which is the default value. For a list of possible values, see the IMS installation guide.
  2. Define the BMP TRAN to IMS.

    You run a PSBGEN to define the CA OPS/MVS BMP transaction and application to IMS. Sample control statements are provided in member OPSINBMP in the OPS.CCLXCNTL data set.

  3. Authorize the BMP TRAN to issue all commands.

    Authorize this transaction through your security package, as required by IMS. If you are still using the IMS Security Maintenance Utility (SMU), then you run SMU to authorize the BMP transaction to have authority to issue all commands. Sample control statements are provided in the OPS.CCLXCNTL member OPSINBMP.

  4. Create a batch BMP started task JCL.

    Use the IMS PROCLIB member IMSBATCH, and make sure the RESLIB that it is using matches the RESLIB of the control region that you want to target. Add the CA OPS/MVS load module library to the STEPLIB concatenation.

    Set the CA OPS/MVS IMSnBMPSTC parameter to the member name of the BMP started task JCL.

  5. Specify CA OPS/MVS parameters.

    To control the activation or deactivation of the BMP region that the IOF uses to issue commands, you set these CA OPS/MVS parameters:

    For more information about these parameters, see the Parameter Reference.