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Create a User REXX Library

User modifiable programs are contained within the hlq.CCLXSAMP library. The user modifiable programs support various sample automated applications as well as specific CA OPS/MVS components that are customized by the end-user (System State Manager ,OPSVIEW command option, and so on) .

Important: CA OPS/MVS programs contained within the hlq.CCLXEXEC library are needed for CA OPS/MVS base component functionality and should never be modified without the direction of CA support.

To create a user REXX library

  1. Using the same allocation attributes as the hlq.CCLXEXEC or hlq.CCLXSAMP libraries, create a hlq.USER.REXX data set.
  2. Copy the sample application programs and user specific component programs from hlq.CCLXSAMP library to your hlq.USER.REXX library when needed.

This hlq.USER.REXX library will also contain all REXX and OPS/REXX programs needed to support user created automated applications.