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Provide APF Authorization for the Load Libraries

There are two CA OPS/MVS load libraries:


Contains the majority of the product modules. By default, this is a standard PDS and must always be APF authorized.


Contains those load modules that must reside in a PDSE. This load library must also be APF authorized if you are using the CA NSM SSM CA OPS/MVS Option or the Switch Operations Facility (SOF). It is recommended that you give this library permanent APF authorization regardless of the features that are currently installed.

As stated above, the CA OPS/MVS .CCLXLOAD load library must be APF authorized. When you put it in your LNKLST or LPALIB, the CA OPS/MVS load library automatically has this authority if LNKAUTH=LNKLST is specified (or allowed to default) in your appropriate IEASYSxx member of the Logical Parmlib Concatenation. If not, assign the load libraries APF authority by putting their names, and the volume serial number of the disk on which they reside, in the appropriate IEAAPFxx member of the Logical Parmlib Concatenation. Next, IPL your system to make the change effective.

If you do not want to IPL to authorize CA OPS/MVS, you can use either of these z/OS commands to dynamically allocate APF-authorized libraries:


You can also use an existing authorized library or use any one of the major online z/OS performance and operations enhancement tools such as CA SYSVIEW, Tivoli OMEGAMON XE on z/OS, or RESOLVE/MVS to add an entry for a new authorized library.