Previous Topic: Customize Startup JCL PROCsNext Topic: Tailor the Startup Procedures

Tailor the Startup JCL

The SYS1.OPS.CCLXCNTL data set contains four JCL members that required to run the CA OPS/MVS started tasks:

To tailor the startup JCL

  1. Copy the OPSMAIN, OPSOSF, OPSECF, and OPSUSS members into your started task procedures library. (which must be SYS1.PROCLIB if you intend to start OPSMAIN under the master subsystem).

    These members can now be tailored as described in the following steps.

  2. Change the OPSMAIN Member JCL as follows:

Note: The CAHBEXCL DD statement prevents the CA Hyper Buf product from interfering with VSAM processing requests within the CA OPS/MVS address space.

  1. Change the OPSOSF and OPSECF JCL as follows:

    The startup JCL members are tailored and ready to run the CA OPS/MVS started tasks.