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CA OPS/MVS Configuration Options Using CA CSM

You can configure the CA OPS/MVS Base operations and the following optional components using CA CSM.


CICS Operations Facility; a separate license code is required.


Hardware Services


Multi-System Facility; a separate license code is required.


Unix System Services; a separate license code is required.

To configure the Base operations only:

Do not select any options.

To configure the Base operations and any options:

Select the options that you want to configure.

Note: Other components and facilities not shown are unavailable for configuration under CA CSM. They can still be configured manually by adding custom parameters to the OPSSXP00 member in your hlq.CCLXCNTL data set.


For more information on how to configure using CA CSM see the section How to Configure a Product.

Once you have configured CA OPS/MVS using CA CSM, you must complete the following manual procedures. There are exceptions to this; some steps will have been partially or fully completed by CA CSM depending on selections you have made in CA CSM. This will be noted in each subsection as appropriate.

Note: Configuration with CA CSM automatically executes some of the steps that are otherwise documented as manual steps elsewhere in this manual.