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Verify Your Installation

Diagnosing problems that an incomplete CA OPS/MVS installation causes are difficult to detect. Use the following checklists before starting the product to avoid such problems.

To verify your installation

  1. Make sure the CA CSM generated user PROCLIB contains members OPSMAIN, OPSECF, and OPSOSF (and, optionally, OPSUSS).

    If you specified ‘NONE’ for the variable PROCLIB, the procedures that are generated by CA CSM need to be manually copied into your proclib before starting the product. Follow the procedure "To deploy the JCL PROCs configured by CA CSM” in section Startup JCL Procedures Customized by CA CSM for directions about how to accomplish this task manaually.

  2. Make sure the OPSMAIN, OPSOSF, and OPSECF started tasks either have a STEPLIB that is authorized and contains all the load modules that are distributed with CA OPS/MVS or that all these modules are available in a LNKLSTxx load library or an LPALSTxx load library.
  3. Verify that the Logical Parmlib Concatenation contains members OPSSSC00 and OPSSXP00.
  4. Make sure the library that is allocated to SYSPROC contains the OPSTART1 CLIST and OPSLOGON CLIST. OPSTART2 may be located in the SYSPROC or SYSEXEC.
  5. If you are using the CA ACF2 command limiting feature, check that the entries listed in the table in Provide a CA ACF2 Command Limiting List in the chapter “Configuration Tasks for the Base Component” are present.