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CA Common Services Requirements

The following CA Common Services are used with CA OPS/MVS:

Note: If other CA products are installed at your site, some of these services may already be installed.

Note: For information on CA Common Services FMIDs, see the appendix "CCS for z/OS Component Requirements."


Prepares your operating system environment for all CA applications and starts them. The common driver for a collection of dynamic initialization routines eliminates the need for user SVCs, SMF exits, subsystems, and other installation requirements commonly encountered when installing systems applications.

Integral parts of CAIRIM are CAISSF and CA LMP.


Provides an external security mechanism for controlling and monitoring access to all system and application resource processes. CAISSF is integrated into many CA enterprise applications and is also used by other CCS for z/OS services. CAISSF provides security services for user logon, resource access control, process use control, and recording and monitoring of violation activity.


Provides a standardized and automated approach to the tracking of licensed software and is provided as an integral part of CAIRIM. After CAIRIM is installed, you have access to Technical Support for all CA LMP-supported products.


Provides CA enterprise applications with a common communications software layer that insulates the applications from dealing with protocol specifics, error recovery, and system connection establishment.


CA GSS is part of CA Common Services for z/OS and is installed with it.

To make full use of some of your product features, you must have CA GSS installed at your site

CA Health Checker

Provides a simple and consistent method for CA products to create health checks to run under the IBM Health Checker for z/OS. The IBM Health Checker for z/OS helps you identify potential problems in your z/OS environment by checking system or product parameters and system status against recommended settings. CA has joined other vendors in creating checks for CA z/OS products. CA OPS/MVS health checks are automatically activated on the target system when the product is started on a system where the following components are installed and configured:

For more information on installing the CA Health Checker Common Service, see the CA Common Service Installation Guide.

For more information about the IBM Health Checker for z/OS, see the IBM Health Checker for z/OS User Guide.