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Parameters Regulating OSF Servers

The following modifiable parameters relate to your OSF TSO servers.


Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, which OSF servers can remain dormant before they are automatically terminated. This applies only if the current number of active servers is greater than the OSFMIN parameter value. The minimum valid value for OSFDORM is 60 seconds.


Specifies the maximum number of OSF servers that can be active at any time. When the current number of OSF servers exceeds the OSFMAX value, CA OPS/MVS terminates dormant servers. The dormant servers terminate immediately, regardless of the value of the OSFDORM parameter. Whenever the OSFMIN and OSFMAX parameters are set through the OPSPARM TSO command or the OPSPRM REXX function, CA OPS/MVS always checks to see if OSFMAX has a value higher than OSFMIN. This check does not occur during CA OPS/MVS startup, so you can set these parameters in any order in the initial CLIST or REXX program.

var = OPSPRM("SET","OSFMAX",8)

After startup, the order is important. For example, suppose that the current values are OSFMIN=2 and OSFMAX=2. If you subsequently set these values as shown in the following two example lines, then the OSFMIN setting fails, but the OSFMAX setting succeeds. However, if you reverse the order of the OPSPRM statements, then both succeed.

var = OPSPRM("SET","OSFMIN",3)

This parameter is the minimum number of OSF servers that can be active at any time. If OSFMIN exceeds the current number of active servers, then additional servers are automatically started. We strongly recommend that OSFMIN be set at a large enough value so that, for all your typical operations, there is no need to add servers to handle server workload.

Note: See the description of the OSFMAX parameter above.


This parameter determines when CA OPS/MVS starts additional OSF servers.

When the number of entries in the OSF execute queue is greater than the value of the OSFQADD parameter, one additional server is started.

CA OPS/MVS starts a new server only if the current number of servers is below the OSFMAX parameter value and equal to or above the OSFMIN parameter value.


This parameter dictates how many entries the OSF execute queue can hold. All transactions sent to servers (through ADDRESS OSF instructions, for example) are first queued on the OSF execute queue. The OSF execute processor extracts these transactions and passes them to the next available OSF server address space for execution in a TSO environment.

Note: The OSF execute processor runs as a subtask in the CA OPS/MVS address space.

Note: The OSFMAX and OSFMIN parameters define the boundaries of server usage in terms of number of active servers possible. As such, use these two parameters to control your servers. There are equivalent sets of parameters with the same meanings to control the OSF TSL servers (OSFTSLDORM, OSFTSLMAX, OSFTSLMIN, OSFTSLQADD, and OSFTSLQUE) and the OSF TSP servers (OSFTSPDORM, OSFTSPMAX, OSFTSPMIN, OSFTSPQADD, and OSFTSPQUE).