Previous Topic: Install and Execute the ClientNext Topic: Message formats

Interface with TCP/IP

As with the server code, the VM installation requires some tailoring. In addition to adherence of local site standards, provide the client code with the IP address of the server, as well as its listener port number. As in the case of the server, the code is REXX and TCP/IP must be accessible on the system.

The following significant REXX variables must be either coded explicitly, where default cannot be provided, or entered as parameters:


Contains the z/OS server's IP address in dotted decimal notation.

Default: There is no default.


Contains the server's listener port number.

Default: There is no default.


Contains the timer interrupt interval, expressed in seconds, in the range of 1-300. Client code must rely on an explicit timer interrupt to poll its message sources for activity.

Default: 2, but for a faster response, reduced to 1.


Contains the VM user ID name where the CA VM:Operator product is running.



Contains ACTIVE for normal execution, or TEST. The test mode will go through the entire processing flow, but instead of sending the message to the VM target ID, it will just display it on the console. This is useful for initial installation and parameter adjustment.

Default: TEST


Contains Y or N to control the display of information messages.

Default: N

zvmquitlist (required)

Contains a candidate list of termination commands, which must be issued as an SMSG from another VM user ID. The client will not accept termination commands from the server.



Contains a console message prefix, and may be configured to include optional date, time stamps, or both. The syntax for the prefix is:

'{DATE(X)} {TIME(X)} prefixword'

The syntax requires that this entire expression is within quotes. You may omit the date, time, or both. All three components will be displayed in the order of their appearance, and may be sequenced as desired. DATE(X) and TIME(X) formats are identical to those of the REXX DATE(X) and TIME(X) functions, where the character (X) designates a formatting option. To avoid introducing a new syntax, the existing REXX definitions were used, and the descriptions of both can be found in IBM manual z/VM V5R1.0 REXX/VM Reference SC24-6113.

Default: zvmprefix = 'TIME(N) OPVMCL'

Example: To set a message header with date in Julian format, time as hh:mm:ss and a prefixword of CLIENT, use the following syntax:

'date(J)  time(N)  CLIENT'

If only time is desired:

'time(N) CLIENT'

All the above variables may be coded into the executable EXEC, but only zvmquitlist is required. The first 6 can be entered as command parameters, or EXEC parameters if desired. The parameters are positional, in the order as the first 6 above - 'OPVMCL zosipaddr zosipport interval zvmtargetid zvmmode zvmtraceopt'. If any are coded into the source REXX code, they do not have to be repeated as external values, unless an override is desired.
