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Server Console Messages

Console messages from 00 to 49 are always issued when certain conditions arise, and additional messages from 50 and above are displayed only when tracing is active. The general message prefix is zosmsgprf followed by a 2-digit message number. For example, if the default value for zosmsgprf is OPVMSV, then message 6 would be displayed with header OPVMSV06.

Server socket code complies with z/OS REXX Socket protocol. In cases where the displayed return and reason codes are results of socket calls, the reference information can be found in IBM manual TCP/IP for MVS: API Reference SC31-7187.

Example: Server Console Message

The following message descriptions do not contain the prefix.

00  Initialization started on subsystem
    Reason: Notification of the server starting on SSID subsystem.
    Action: None.